The figure of House members from the MCC, Arifinto now 'global'. Photo Arifinto recorded viewing porn videos in House plenary meeting, appeared on Spanish porn site.
A reader sends AFP screenshot image display such sites, on Thursday (04/21/2011). Pictures posted on the same porn sites with pictures of catapult M Irfan, photographers Media Indonesia.
But, photos are posted on this site is more lucid, clear and unequivocal. In these screenshots, view the picture on the tablet's not diblur Arifinto visible.
Photos published by the site Arifinto ZA € â € < (disguised-red) is dated April 13, 2011. Above photo Arifinto, this site write 'El cazador cazado, Indonesia Aprueba en una ley en contra de la pornografÃa pillando y lo acaban en el Parlamento viendo porno'. The article indirectly hinted Indonesian Pornography Act which approved its own parliament but rather the middle of watching porn videos.
Arifinto already claimed back as a member of parliament on this photo. But it still ngantor Arifinto. Arifinto want to send a letter of resignation as a member of Parliament after the recess of the House May 8 next. Currently Arifinto trying to finish his last task as a representative of the people.
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