Jumat, 22 April 2011

Men This Posted Rp 8.9 Trillion Phone Bill!

A wine company manager was surprised to receive a phone bill that amount to reach millions of Euros. Receivables amounting to 716,414,273 euros, or approximately Rp 8, 9 trillion (Rp12, 492 per euro), certainly makes him half-dead surprised.

"When viewed bill was very surprising. Not to be believed, we could only see each other when those bills, "said Gerard Chausse who saw the bill with its employees as quoted by AFP on Wednesday (04/20/2011).

Originally Chaussee which has a distillery wine at Maison Vedrenne Nuits-Saint-Georges, France thought it was just a joke. But he began to notice the bill carefully and almost believe it.

"I thought it as a fraud, because it can be done in the current era of computerization. I also gained attention to the bill carefully, "said Chaussee. But this man was saved because the telephone operator admitted there were errors in the bill.

Phone operator Orange who issued the bill to admit mistakes on their own computer. "There is damage to our computer when the file was printed bill," said the operator.

PHOTOS: The girls of Shanghai Auto Show

An automotive exhibition titled 14th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition (Auto Shanghai 2011) held in Shanghai New International Expo Center, China, from 21 to 28 April 2011. In this event, a number of car manufacturers world participated by displaying their superior products.

A model stands next to car production IF Haval Great Wall Motors is featured in the show Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

Infiniti concept car is displayed in the show Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

Taiwan actress Gui Lunmei (left) and actor Zhao Youting MG3 standing near the car featured in Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

Quattro Spyder Audi R8 featured in the show Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

A model stands next to Hyundai cars featured in the show Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

SLS Mercedes Benz AMG sports featured in the show Auto Shanghai 2011 in Shanghai, China

Alien Video Hoax in Russia

On the internet currently being discussed about the rampant circulation of a video that describes the discovery of an alien corpse in Russia. Mentioned, aliens who were killed were found in the Irkutsk region, Siberia is covered with thick snow.

Alien who killed an estimated height of about 60-90 inches with a large head and long legs and arms. The newly uploaded video to YouTube 3 days ago it was seen up to 4.5 million times. But many are questioning the authenticity of the video.

Quoted from Space, 21 April 2011, the video was found in a number of clues that the video was a hoax or a false story.

First is the opening scene. Highlight video recorder environment around the discovery of aliens is to demonstrate to the audience area was the discovery of aliens. This technique is commonly used in the film industry. For example, if you watch a situation comedy, the scene opens with the camera will highlight the exterior of the house or apartment before acting highlight the characters in the room.

Next, the cameraman also directly highlight his colleagues, just take pictures of footprints in the snow leading to the discovery of the position of being â € ~ outside angkasaâ € ™ it. Here it appears that the video recorder already know that the aliens were there and not â € ~ menemukannyaâ € ™ by accident.

Furthermore, the actors who speak in Russian sounding middle of a laugh. His tone was not like people are surprised or curious as to find a foreign object is very unusual.

Another clue is the scene that was designed less precise. Cameras follow the trail in the snow leading to the position of aliens who described the trail was a former aircraft accidents. But there was not found dead spacecraft or signs of other foreign bodies, just a piece of alien bodies created in dramatic conditions. For example one of his legs are made as if cut in a plane crash.

What is suspicious is that it looks exactly like the aliens alien depictions in Hollywood movies or on t-shirts, comic books, and others. Alien skin is transparent does give a creepy effect, but this can be created easily using the agar nodes and animal body parts that can be bought at the butcher shop.

To that end, Life Little Mysteries are trying to examine the validity of an alien video that said the film was just a hoax.

PHOTOS: Obama Visit Headquarters up

President Barack Obama's visit to the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California, United States. This is the first time Obama visited up during his tenure as president.

President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about reducing the national debt at the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California.

President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about reducing the national debt at the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California.

President Barack Obama make a visit to the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California on April 20, 2011.

President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg off their jackets before embarking on discussions at the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California.

President Barack Obama accept the jacket of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during a visit to the headquarters up in Palo Alto, California.

10 The findings of his time Too Sophisticated

Saat ini cukup mudah meyakini teknologi besar terjadi pada abad 20 atau 21. Namun sebenarnya ide-ide tersebut sudah muncul sejak bertahun-tahun, bahkan abad sebelumnya. Berikut ciptaan yang terlalu maju.

Digital Audio Player (1979) jadi MP3 Player/iPod (1997/2001)

Pada 1979, Kane Kramer dari Inggris memiliki ide pemutar musik solid seukuran saku. Kramer menyebutnya IXI System dan ukurannya hampir sebesar kotak rokok. Menurut situs Kramer, Kramer dan rekannya membuat lima perangkat ini. Sistem buatan Kramer hanya mampu memutar musik selama tiga setengah menit.

Namun, ia berencana menggunakan memori flash untuk memperpanjangnya. Menurut Wired, bahkan Kramer berencana membuat toko musik untuk mengunduh musik baru. Pengajuan hak Kramer gagal pada 1998, di titik itu teknologi ini menjadi properti publik. IXI dan toko musik digital itu kini berubah menjadi iPod dan toko iTunes. Apple sendiri mengakui peran Kramer dalam kreasi iPod.

Analytical Engine (1822) jadi Komputer (1940)

Dalam upaya menciptakan mesin penghitung matematika tanpa kesalahan, Charles Babbage menciptakan pendahulu komputer modern. Mesin analitik Babbage merupakan perangkat komputasi umum pertama yang mampu menyelesaikan jenis-jenis perhitungan berbeda. Menariknya, mesin in dibuat di saat elektronik belum muncul. Babbage terus mengembangkan mesin analitiknya hingga meninggal di 1871.

Lensa Kontak (1632) jadi Lensa Kontak (1887/1950)

Pada 1632, Rene Descartes mengusulkan parangkat untuk mengkoreksi visi. Metode ini menggunakan tuba kaca berisi cairan yang diletakkan langsung pada mata. Sayangnya, pemakai ‘lensa’ ini tak akan bisa berkedip.

Pada 1887, optalmolog Jerman Adolf Eugen Fick menciptakan lensa kontak sukses pertama dari kaca. Lensa ini hanya bisa dipakai selama beberapa jam dan akhirnya ahli kimia Otto Wichterle berhasil membuat lensa kontak lembek dari plastik. Kini, lensa kontak ini dipakai jutaan orang di dunia.

Colorfax (1947) jadi Color Printer (1990)

Saat pertama muncul di Popular Science, colorfax dijuluki mesin yang ‘membuka dunia baru bagi rumah dan pebisnis’. Mesin ini mampu menggambar dengan warna merah, biru, kuning dan hitam dan membutuhkan sekitar 15 menit untuk mencetap tiap gambar. Printer masa kini menjadi suatu kewajiban di banyak kantor.

Photovoltaic Cell (1883) jadi Sel Surya (1945)

Pada 1883, Charles Fritts mengembangkan sel surya pertama setelah menyelimuti selenium semi konduktor dengan lapisan tipis emas. Sayangnya, perangkat ini tak efektif, efisiensinya hanya 1%. Pada 1945, peneliti di Bell Laboratories berhasil memperbaharuinya dengan melakukan efisiensi. Sejak itu, sel surya dipakai pada satelit luar angkasa dan benda kecil seperti kalkulator dan jam.

Sinar Panas (212 Sebelum Masehi (SM)) jadi Senapan Sinar Panas (2007)

Militer Amerika Serikat (AS) mengungkap Active Denial System empat tahun lalu. Sistem ini memproyeksikan sinar energi tinggi transparan yang bisa menimbulkan perasaan terbakar tiba-tiba. Militer mengatakan, senapan sinar panas ini tak berbahaya dan bisa digunakan untuk menghalau keramaian.

Berbeda, sinar panas asli pada masa Syrause di 212 SM digunakan untuk membakar kapal musuh. Archimedes membuat perangkat ini untuk membakar kapal perang Roma. Selain itu, banyak pihak membuktikan, sangat mungkin membakar kapal Roma menggunakan sinar panas ini.

Aeolopile/Automata (abad pertama) jadi Mesin Uap (1698/1954)

Mesin uap dikreditkan sebagai salah satu ciptaan paling penting dalam revolusi industri. Kapal uap dan lokomotif memungkinkan terjadinya transportasi yang lebih cepat antar negara atau samudra. Sementara James Watt menjadi pencipta mesin uap, aplikasi pertamanya muncul berabad-abad sebelum ia lahir.

Ahli matematika Yunani Hero dari Alexandria menggambarkan sebuah alat bernama Aeolopile, alat pertama yang menerapkan uap pada gerak putar. Alat ini memiliki bulatan kosong di atas tungku air, jadi ketika air mendidih, uap melewatinya dan membuat bulatan di dalamnya berputar. Menurut Encyclopedia Britannica, Hero menggunakan proses serupa untuk membuat pintu yang bisa terbuka otomatis.

Watch-Case Phonograph (WCP, 1936) jadi Walkman (1979)

WCP digambarkan sebagai pemutar musik mungil. Miniatur fonograf ini biasa terdapat dalam jam tangan. Untuk mendengarnya, cukup mendekatkan WCP pada telinga. Sayangnya, rancangan WCP tak efektif. Pada 1970, pengembang Sony Walkman membuat konsep keseluruhan perangkat portabel ini dengan musik pra-rekam di dalamnya.

Kendaraan Tenaga Uap (1769) jadi Mobil Tenaga Gas (1886)

Sementara Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot dari militer Austria menggambar alat untuk menarik artileri, kendaraan tenaga uap dianggap sebagai mobil pertama dunia. Mobil ini memiliki tiga roda dengan satu roda depan berfungsi sebagai pengarah. Setelah itu, Cugnot membuat versi lebih besar, kuat dan cepat dan selesai pada 1771.

Sayangnya, menurut MadeHow.com, Menteri Etienne Francois de Choiseul tak tertarik. Kemudian, kendaraan itu dipindah ke National des Arts et Metiers di Paris dan dipajang di sana sejak itu.

Mesin Penjual (abad pertama) jadi Mesin Penjual (1880)

Mesin penjual ini dapat ditemui di sekolah, bandara dan kebanyakan gedung. Saat ini, mesin ini sedang dalam debat kesehatan. Hal mengejutkan, mesin ini telah ada sejak abad pertama dan digunakan untuk menyalurkan air suci di kuil Yunani Kuno.

Menurut Smithsonia Institution, ketika seseorang memasukkan koin, koin mengenai panel dan panel membuat air keluar. Sistem ini juga dipakai pada mesin penjual yang dikembangkan pada 1880 hingga akhirnya listrik mengambil alih tugas itu.

Shanghai Nan Glamor girl

The core of the exhibition of cars and motorcycles are glamorous and luxurious. And it also looks at the Shanghai Motor Show where beautiful models sexiness help fuel cars on display.

Models pose with Spyker supercar.

Porsche sports cars such as these become more sweet.

Models with fashion style complete with angel wings on cars Great Wall.

Models pose with the MINI car Goodwood when the exhibition opened to the media at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, 20 April 2011.

Most Healthy Cities and Healthy in Less Indonesia

Some areas are known to have health problems that burden is different. Based on research conducted by Kemenkes note 10 ranking districts with health development index is good and bad.

Dr. Triono Soendoro, PhD as the expert staff of health ministers of health risk factors of protection in the event declaration Operational Research Activities Management Health Troubled Region (PDBK) and Research on Health Facility (Rifaskes) Kemenkes House on Thursday (04/21/2011) there are 440 cities surveyed.

Rank 10 district health development index value of the top and bottom are:

10 districts / cities top healthcare ranking
1. Magelang
2. Gianyar
3. Salatiga
4. Yogyakarta City
5. Bantul
6. Sukoharjo
7. Sleman
8. Balikpapan
9. Denpasar City
10. Madiun

10 districts / cities ranked lowest health
431. Mappi
432. Asmat
433. East Seram
434. Yahukimo
435. South Nias
436. Paniai
437. Manggarai
438. Puncak Jaya
439. Gayo Lues
440. Mountain Star

"We announced 10 lowest ranked does not mean all of them agree, there is one who protests and conduct their own research. Of course the results differ because of different methodology used, "said Dr. Triono Soendoro, PhD.

Determination of this ranking based on the value of Community Health Development Index (IPKM). This is a composite indicator IPKM which describes the progress of health development are formulated from community-based health data that is Riskesdas (basic health research), PSE (socio-economic data) and Podes survey (potency village).

Based on 3 survey found 24 indicators that fall into IPKM namely:

  1. The prevalence of malnourished children under five and less
  2. The prevalence of children under five are very short and short
  3. The prevalence of very thin and emaciated toddler
  4. Prevalence of overweight toddlers
  5. Prevalence of diarrhea
  6. Prevalence of pneumonia
  7. Prevalence of hypertension
  8. Prevalence of mental disorders
  9. Prevalence of asthma
  10. Prevalence of diseases of teeth and mouth
  11. The proportion of hand-washing behavior
  12. The proportion of smoking every day
  13. Access to clean water
  14. Access to sanitation
  15. Scope of delivery by health workers
  16. Coverage of neonatal examination-1
  17. Complete immunization coverage
  18. Coverage of a child's weight
  19. The ratio of doctors
  20. The ratio of midwives
  21. Prevalence of disability
  22. The prevalence of injury
  23. Prevalence [enyakit joints
  24. Prevalence of ARI (acute respiratory tract infections)

Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, DrPH said PDBK and Rifaskes program is a combination of stakeholders at central and provincial level with the observation of researchers.

"With this combined effort is expected to formulate appropriate and effective interventions so that IPKM in the area could be improved significantly," said Menkes.

In this area, including lower rank will be called to gather together and find out why the results can be ugly. For example, if the hospital and clinic is nice but poor health status may be because there is no public transportation, that are hard to come due.

"The results from both these activities will be input to the preparation of evidence-based health development policy (evidence base)," he said.

Found, the oldest dinosaur Toothache

A reptile that lived about 275 million years ago in Oklahoma is expected to become the first dinosaurs who have cenat-cenut in his mouth. These findings belong to a record of other terrestrial vertebrates (from 75 million years ago) who also had dental problems.

â € œTemuan is not only enrich our knowledge about dental disease, but also reveal the advantages and disadvantages faced by certain beings as they evolved teeth to eat both meat and plants, â € says Robert Reisz, a researcher from the University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada, as quoted by LiveScience, April 21, 2011.

Just like humans, said Reisz, this finding increases the chances of infection of the mouth of the dinosaur. In addition, there is also potential to find the cause of death of the animal.

â € œMuncul question, whether this dinosaur died of infection?, â € said Reisz. â € œSaat we can not ensure this. However, the possibility of infection is one factor contributing to, â € he said.

For example, says Reisz, toothache like that could make it difficult animals to eat. â € œDan if you are a very old like reptiles, you really have the potential to become weak and then eaten by other predators, â € he said.

The reptile in question is Labidosaurus hamatus, dinosaurs that lived in North America. When found, reisz and his colleagues found that there are missing teeth and jaw bone damage occurs in animals.

From its size, it is estimated that this animal is an animal is old enough for the size of the species.

After observing the bone with a CT scan, the team found evidence of severe infection that causes tooth loss, causing abscesses, and loss of jaw bone tissue.

â € œTampaknya teeth broken and since this animal did not grow replacement teeth, then there is a hole, â € said Reisz. â € œLewat this hole, oral bacteria probably entered the jaw and then destroying it, â € he said.

Manchester United and Beckham Richest version of "Forbes"

American business magazine, Forbes, named the Manchester United and the Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder, David Beckham, as the richest club and player in the world today.

Forbes reported that the wealth MU reached 1.12 billion pounds (about Rp 16 trillion). This is the seventh year for MU this position. MU won over Real Madrid (second position) which property has only 900 million pounds (about Rp 12 trillion) and Arsenal (third), who pocketed £ 700 million (around Rp 10 trillion). In fourth place, Forbes put the German club, Bayern Munich, followed by Spanish giants Barcelona.

While the two big Premier League teams, Chelesa and Liverpool, also entered the top ten world's richest club. Chelsea occupies the seventh position with worth 400 million pounds (about Rp 5 tirliun). While Liverpool is perched on the ranking ninth with a fortune that reached 332 million Pounds Sterling (approximately Rp 3 trillion).

Beckham entitled to get the player with the largest income after defeating the duo's best players now, Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) and Lionel Messi (Barcelona). With revenues reaching 24 million pounds (about USD 343 billion), straddling Beckham Ronaldo, who pocketed the revenues of 23 million pounds (about USD 328 billion) and Messi, who had a revenue of 19 million pounds (approximately Rp 271 billion).

Despite melanisr name and player's richest club with the highest incomes today, the new Forbes magazine will publish it in their edition of May 9.

This Beautiful Polwan First Brigadier Sri Lestari

Since often appear on the screen presents traffic information, the figure of Women Police (By Thomas) became a byword beautiful community.

Not a few viewers wonder, who is she? Really he is a Polwan or a female model wearing a police uniform only.

One of the beautiful woman named First Brigadier Sri Lestari, or usually called Taryn. He was a native Polwan. Women's sweet-faced and smooth-skinned since small indeed aspires to become a cop.

Taryn decided to become a Polwan because he thought it very challenging profession and proud if served with sincerity.

"Being Polwan is fun can be in direct contact with the public, because it's my duty to protect, protect and serve the public," he said.

According to Taryn, she demanded to professionals in the profession without losing sight of nature as female.

"We must be consistent with our duties entailed, must be prepared also by discomfort such as offices of the night, ready not to enjoy the holiday or holidays, but we live it wholeheartedly," said women born in 1986.

As is known, in a private television station, every day presents traffic information from the Police NTMC building in Jakarta. This information program featuring some pretty Polwan figure and handsome as the keynote speaker Polwan source.

Apart from looking attractive, they also demonstrate excellent communication skills as a professional presenter.

Polwan phenomenon is not only beautiful on screen, but also to the virtual world. Some of the photos they be spread in various forums of communication in both the internet and messenger.

Justin Bieber Arrives in Jakarta

Canadian singer, Justin Bieber, who will hold a concert at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor, tomorrow has arrived in Jakarta today, 22 April 2011. He arrived at 14:55 pm with a carrier Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

With a very tight guard, Bieber directly to the hotel. But the promoter did not notify the hotel where the stay Bieber during in Jakarta, for security reasons.

"He was immediately taken to the hotel which we can not tell, certainly five star hotel," said Rizka, concert promoter Justin Bieber representative in Indonesia, when contacted VIVAnews.

While in Jakarta, according Rizka no press conference or a special interview with the singer Selena Gomez is rumored to be close to it. Party promoter activity was also not told Bieber tonight.

"The event tonight we could not tell the media, who must prepare for the concert tomorrow night," said Rizka.

The promoter also revealed that the crew Bieber entourage consisting of about 50 people, will be gradually landed at Soekarno Hatta Airport starting today. Justin Bieber concert in Jakarta, April 23, tomorrow is part of the touring musical "Justin Bieber My World Tour".

Efficacy of Milk Protein and Fat

So far, the public's understanding of milk is a source of protein. In fact, the milk contained so many other important substances that are beneficial to health.

As explained Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Astawan, MS, from the Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB, milk is a food with enough nutrients to complete.

In general, milk consists of water content as much as 87 percent and sisanya or about 13 percent is solid. Solids in milk can be subdivided into fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Protein content in milk is divided into two factions, namely whey (20 percent) and casein (80 percent). According to Made, both kinds of proteins are different and have an important role for our body.

Whey protein was dissolved in the milk serum on the level of acidity (pH) 4.6 and a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. The content of whey include beta-lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, immunoglobullin, Lactoferrin, and others.

"Whey are so many benefits. For example, beta-lactoglobulin which is the largest component of whey, is useful to stimulate free fatty acid that does not cause obesity, "said Made in gathering Nutritionist Scientific Association of Indonesia (Persagi) in Jakarta on Thursday (04/21/2011).

While casein, Made-up, a source of amino acids from a protein. Benefits kasein of them is to prevent hypertension, stimulate the formation of energy, defense against bacteria and viruses, as well as manage the growth in the points grow.

In addition to being a good source of protein, milk also has a fat content that are important to health. The function of fat in milk, Made said, has diverse functions, it can even play a role in preventing a disease.

In children, milk consumption is also important because it helps the growth of the brain that are growing and growing. "One of the important raw materials for the intelligence of the brain is the cholesterol contained in milk fat," he said. Â In milk fat, continued Made, contained some fraction of them fosfatidil choline phospholipids and that serves to enhance learning and memory abilities of children.

In addition to helping brain development, milk fat also acts as an anti-colon cancer, which can increase cell apoptosis kolonik mutants. Milk fat also supports the growth of good bacteria (prebiotic nature, as antihypertensive, antidiabetic and immunomodulatory.

Revealed, Photos Arrival Justin Bieber

Sensational pop star Justin Bieber finally arrived at Soekarno Hatta airport, Jakarta at 15:10 GMT, Friday afternoon (22 / 4).

Justin looks cool, did not talk much baseball model wearing a pink Adidas says, wearing a chain necklace and a blue hat. Selena Gomez appears to be seen right beside it.

To outwit the fans who have been waiting for him at the door of the arrival terminal D2, Justin and their 25 crew actually came out of the terminal 2E Soekarno Hatta airport.

Once out of the gate terminal, Justin goes straight into the car kind of mercy with the license plate number B 638 QW gray is escorted by two motorcycle police voorijder as well as 3 car types Alphard.

New York International Auto Show

Auto show New York International Auto Show is held again. The exhibition was followed by a number of producers otomitif world.

A variety of cars and various automotive manufacturers world exhibited.

Porsche 911 GT3 R Hybrid.

Models stand next to Audi.

Rolls-Royce also took part.

Visitors see the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Kia Rio sedan.

Gosh! There's Fitness Center For Lovers Naked

For those who like to bare, to offer a fitness center or gym where they can exercise without wearing clothes. This effort was reportedly made to fight a recession and attract people to come to the gym.

Fitness Centre is located in the Basque region, Spain, and named Easy Gym. This is the first time conducted in the country of Spain. "When the crisis we are aware many who decided not to the gym," said the owner of Easy Gym, Merche Laseca.

"I am not a lover of nudity even though I do not have problems with itu.Hanya course, this initiative about money," he explained. Before opening the service, Laseca confessed to the investigation and then decide to open the gym for lovers of nudity or a known group of nudists.

"We always like new activity," said Maite Vicuna, President of the Basque Naturist Association, which had tried the gym naked last week.

"Melakuka sports without clothes more natural and more comfortable," said Vicuna. A poll conducted group Basque Naturist Association showed 90 percent of members support the sport without clothing.

Wow! Kate Middleton Wedding Ring Worth USD 452 Billion

Less than two weeks, Prince William and Kate Middleton will get married in the church of Westminster Abbey, London, England. Wedding ring to wear Kate reportedly worth Rp 452 billion.

As reported by the Daily Mail on Monday (18/04/2011) Kate will be wearing a ring that was previously used on the show engagement with William. The ring is a ring worn by Lady Diana when betrothed to Prince Charles.

Prince William was asked for his bride wore her mother's legacy ring. William wanted to Lady Diana who has not remained a part of his life with Kate.

Ring made of sapphires and diamonds that have a value of 32 million pounds or approximately USD 452 billion because of the history of the famous.

But according to sources in the United Kingdom, the ring will be redesigned because it was too big for her finger. Kate has asked the Crown Jewellers jewelry company G Collins and Sons to attach small beads at the bottom of the platinum-in ring to fit the size.

"It would be a nightmare for the bride when looked down and saw her ring fell. We can only imagine how this will be enlarged when you marry the future King of England, "said the source.

Meanwhile, Kate is currently reported to have become a more influential fashion icons of Lady Gaga and Cheryl Cole. The results were drawn from a poll conducted on the 2 thousand women across the UK.

Michelle Obama's Plane Nearly Collision

Air Authority United States (U.S.) back humiliated. After the incident a number of officers fell asleep, this time Lady Michelle Obama's plane almost crashed.

Although there was no serious risk to planes Michelle, U.S. aviation authorities or the FAA back into the spotlight. Boeing 737 owned by Air National Guard used the White House, appeared about 4.5 km in the rear cargo rakasas C-17.

Both are close to Airport and Andrews are both about to land. Under FAA regulations, the two planes should be located at least 7.5 km to menghendari turbulence hazard. Michelle had ordered the plane finally turn before landing.

FAA re-tarnished after a number of officers guide air traffic (air traffic controller / ATC) caught asleep. A few days ago, someone was caught watching DVDs during working hours. FAA is still investigating these incidents.

UK Wedding Live on YouTube

Wall did not make Prince William's royal confined conservatism. He and his future wife, Kate Middleton, is a child of this age are familiar with social media networking. The couple insisted their marriage ceremony on April 29 was broadcast live on Youtube and it will happen. Both are wanted, wedding ceremony has become the most interactive public events in the world through the role of social media.

So, in addition to YouTube, the Palace of St. James will also be using Twitter, Facebook and flickr to provide updates to the public about the wedding and the opportunity to provide feedback. Prince William and Kate Middleton is the users of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Both play an active role in overseeing the plans online coverage of the ceremony on 29 April.

On the Internet, Google has developed a live blog that will be synchronized with the recording

motion picture, which allows viewers click the link that provides additional information on key moments in Mass wedding when the event took place. A spokesman for the Palace of St. James says, "We want people to interact with the wedding when they watch it. Prince William and Catherine Middleton just like everyone else in their age in terms of social media. They are users of Facebook and YouTube ... and their intention was always that their marriage should be accessible to all people. "

Whether the couple intend to change their relationship status on Facebook after the wedding, a spokesman said, "Wait and see."

Coverage of the wedding ceremony at the Royal Channel, which is YouTube, will begin at 10:00 local time (17.00 GMT), one hour before the ceremony begins, and ends at 14.00 (21.00 pm), after the couple appeared on the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Live blog will include commentary written by the staff of Clarence House and the Palace of St. James, as well as links to information about the background and additional photographs of the couple.

The spokesman said, "This will be the first time a live blog along with live streaming on YouTube. For example, when a procession of trains pass through Clarence House, a link will appear, which provide historical information about Clarence House. "

An official video "wedding book / wedding book" has been launched on YouTube on Tuesday, a greeting invite providers to post their own video message for the couple. An application will also be launched in up the Kingdom that allows the users to explain how they prepare for the event and how they celebrate. Buckingham Palace has launched an official Facebook page in November. While Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William and Middleton on Twitter in the same month.

Franky Sahilatua Dies

After undergoing treatment at the Hospital Medika Permata Hijau, singer Franky Sahilatua died. Franky the last exhale at 15.15 at the hospital.

"Yes, it's dead. All accompanying family when he closed his eyes, "said Frank's wife, Harwantiningrum, when contacted VIVAnews, Wednesday, April 20, 2011.

According to the woman who was familiarly called Antiq that, at this time the corpse was still in the hospital. The body will then be taken to a funeral home in the area of ​​the Rainbow Bintaro.

When VIVAnews meet tadii morning, Franky condition is still critical. His wife said her husband's condition is unstable and continues to decline.

Franky treated in hospital since 16 April 2011. Since in the hospital, he was unconscious. He was treated in ICU. Previously, he was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Singapore in August 2010. Frank suffered from spinal cancer.

Wow! Arifinto Photos Appear on Spanish Porn Site

The figure of House members from the MCC, Arifinto now 'global'. Photo Arifinto recorded viewing porn videos in House plenary meeting, appeared on Spanish porn site.

A reader sends AFP screenshot image display such sites, on Thursday (04/21/2011). Pictures posted on the same porn sites with pictures of catapult M Irfan, photographers Media Indonesia.

But, photos are posted on this site is more lucid, clear and unequivocal. In these screenshots, view the picture on the tablet's not diblur Arifinto visible.

Photos published by the site Arifinto ZA € â € <www.alrinxxx.com (disguised-red) is dated April 13, 2011. Above photo Arifinto, this site write 'El cazador cazado, Indonesia Aprueba en una ley en contra de la pornografÃa pillando y lo acaban en el Parlamento viendo porno'. The article indirectly hinted Indonesian Pornography Act which approved its own parliament but rather the middle of watching porn videos.

Arifinto already claimed back as a member of parliament on this photo. But it still ngantor Arifinto. Arifinto want to send a letter of resignation as a member of Parliament after the recess of the House May 8 next. Currently Arifinto trying to finish his last task as a representative of the people.

Pria Ini Dikirim Tagihan Telepon Rp 8,9 Triliun!

Seorang manajer perusahaan anggur terkejut menerima tagihan telepon yang jumlah mencapai jutaan Euro. Tagihan senilai 716,414,273 euro atau sekira Rp8,9 triliun (Rp12,492 per euro), tentunya membuat pria itu terkejut setengah mati.

“Kalau dilihat tagihan itu memang amat mengejutkan. Tidak dapat dipercaya, kami pun hanya bisa saling berpandangan saat melihat tagihan itu,” ungkap Gerard Chausse yang melihat tagihan itu bersama karyawannya seperti dikutip AFP, Rabu (20/4/2011).

Awalnya Chaussee yang mempunyai tempat penyulingan anggur Maison Vedrenne di Nuits-Saint-Georges, Prancis mengira hal tersebut hanya lelucon. Namun ia mulai memperhatikan tagihan itu secara teliti dan hampir mempercayainya.

“Saya mengira hal tersebut sebagai sebuah penipuan, karena semuanya bisa dilakukan di era komputerisasi saat ini. Sayapun memperhatikan tagihan itu secara teliti,” tutur Chaussee. Namun pria ini terselamatkan karena pihak operator telepon mengakui ada kesalahan pada tagihan itu.

Operator telepon Orange yang mengeluarkan tagihan itu mengakui kesalahan pada komputer milik mereka. “Ada kerusakan pada komputer kami saat berkas tagihan itu dicetak,” ucap pihak operator.

FOTO: Gadis-gadis Shanghai Auto Show

Sebuah pameran otomotif bertajuk 14th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition (Auto Shanghai 2011) digelar di Shanghai New International Expo Center, Cina, mulai 21-28 April 2011. Dalam acara ini, sejumlah produsen mobil dunia turut ambil bagian dengan menampilkan produk-produk unggulan mereka.

Seorang model berdiri di dekat mobil Haval IF produksi Great Wall Motors yang ditampilkan dalam acara Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina


Mobil konsep Infiniti ditampilkan dalam acara Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina


Aktris Taiwan Gui Lunmei (kiri) dan aktor Zhao Youting berdiri di dekat mobil MG3 yang ditampilkan dalam Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina


Audi R8 Quattro Spyder ditampilkan dalam acara Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina


Seorang model berdiri di dekat mobil Hyundai yang ditampilkan dalam acara Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina


Mercedes Benz SLS AMG sport ditampilkan dalam acara Auto Shanghai 2011 di Shanghai, Cina

Video Alien di Russia Hoax

Di internet saat ini sedang marak dibicarakan seputar beredarnya video yang menggambarkan penemuan mayat alien di Russia. Disebutkan, alien yang tewas itu ditemukan di kawasan Irkutsk, Siberia yang diselimuti salju tebal.

Alien yang tewas diperkirakan memiliki tinggi sekitar 60 – 90 sentimeter dengan kepala yang besar serta kaki dan tangan yang panjang. Adapun video yang baru diupload 3 hari lalu ke Youtube itu sudah dilihat hingga 4,5 juta kali. Namun banyak yang mempertanyakan keaslian video itu.

Dikutip dari Space, 21 April 2011, pada video itu ditemukan sejumlah petunjuk bahwa video itu merupakan hoax atau cerita bohong.

Pertama adalah adegan pembukaan. Perekam video menyorot lingkungan sekitar ditemukannya alien itu untuk menunjukkan pada penonton kawasan ditemukannya alien itu. Teknik ini umum digunakan di industri film. Sebagai contoh, jika Anda menonton film komedi situasi, adegan akan dibuka dengan kamera menyorot bagian luar dari rumah atau apartemen sebelum menyorot akting para pemerannya di dalam ruangan.

Berikutnya, juru kamera juga langsung menyorot rekan-rekannya, baru mengambil gambar jejak di salju yang mengarah ke posisi ditemukannya makhluk ‘luar angkasa’ tersebut. Di sini tampak bahwa perekam video sudah tahu bahwa alien itu ada di sana dan bukan ‘menemukannya’ secara tidak sengaja.

Lebih lanjut, para pemeran yang berbicara dalam bahasa Rusia terdengar tengah tertawa. Nada suaranya tidak seperti orang yang terkejut atau penasaran karena menemukan benda asing yang sangat tidak lazim.

Petunjuk lainnya adalah adegan yang dirancang kurang tepat. Kamera mengikuti jejak di salju yang mengarah ke posisi alien yang menggambarkan bahwa jejak itu merupakan bekas terjadinya kecelakaan pesawat. Namun di sana tidak ditemukan bangkai pesawat ruang angkasa atau tanda-tanda adanya benda asing lain, hanya sepotong mayat alien yang dibuat dalam kondisi dramatis. Misalnya salah satu kakinya yang dibuat seolah-olah terpotong akibat kecelakaan pesawat.

Yang mencurigakan lainnya adalah bahwa alien itu tampak persis seperti penggambaran alien di film-film Hollywood atau di kaos, buku komik, dan lain-lain. Kulit alien yang transparan memang memberikan efek yang menyeramkan, namun ini dapat dibuat dengan mudah menggunakan agar-agar bening dan bagian tubuh hewan yang bisa dibeli di toko daging.

Untuk itu, Life Little Mysteries yang coba meneliti keabsahan video alien itu menyatakan bahwa film tersebut hanya merupakan hoax.

FOTO: Obama Kunjungi Markas Facebook

Presiden Barack Obama berkunjung ke kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California, Amerika Serikat. Ini adalah pertama kalinya Obama mengunjungi Facebook selama menjabat sebagai presiden.

Presiden Barack Obama dan CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg berdiskusi mengenai pengurangan utang negara di kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California.


Presiden Barack Obama dan CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg berdiskusi mengenai pengurangan utang negara di kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California.


Presiden Barack Obama melakukan kunjungan ke kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California pada 20 April 2011.


Presiden Barack Obama dan CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg melepaskan jas mereka sebelum memulai diskusi di kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California.


Presiden Barack Obama menerima jaket pemberian CEO Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg saat berkunjung ke kantor pusat Facebook di Palo Alto, California.